Albert Finch Ministry

"The truth is, not that Moses gave you the bread from heaven, but that My Father gives you the real bread from heaven. The bread that God gives comes down from heaven and brings LIFE to the world......I am the bread of LIFE. Whoever comes to me shall never be hungry, and whoever believes in me shall never be thirsty." - John 6:32,33,35

It is His desire to fall fresh on you. He doesn't bring stale manna. He wants to give you freshness – fresh visions, fresh dreams, fresh anointing, fresh strength. He is not the day-old God. He is the God of the Bread of Life. Fresh. Fresh. Fresh. Fresh. He is throwing away stale visions. He is throwing away stale dreams.

Fresh anointings; fresh visions; fresh work; fresh ideas; freshness of His presence; fresh provision; fresh understanding; fresh wisdom – freshness in His Word -- Fresh. Fresh.

In His freshness, there is joy; there is strength; there is health; there is understanding; freshness of wind upon the gifts.  Fresh – fresh relationships; fresh alignments; fresh agreement – fresh.

He takes off the old that would pull you down, and He is giving you the 'fresh' – this will bring you the strength to lift you up in your Christ calling so you can gain ground for His kingdom and bear fruit that remains. He causes circumstances to come down and freshness to arise.

Fresh bread rises up trying to reach its full potential. He is putting the yeast into you NOW -- the anointing of His presence. And He is going to cause you to come to the fire of His Spirit, and bring forth fresh manna. For you have baked in His presence, and His presence will come forth from a fresh heart.

He is going to dry your tears, for He has seen your tears in secret and He wants to heal your heart. Pain would bring torment and disappointment would bring depression. His Spirit bares life. Let His Spirit bear witness to your spirit that He has come to give you a new life. Old things have passed away, let them go.

Let them go, so the freshness can come forth by His Spirit. For in Him there is LIFE.

"For it is My Father's will that everyone who looks upon the Son and puts his faith in Him shall possess eternal LIFE; and I will raise him up on the last day." - John 6:40


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God is ready to bring you a new understanding of the knowledge -- His Spirit desires that you would call out, you would decree His awesomeness, you would claim, and then revelation will come – with knowledge. And then with knowledge will come…Continue

Started by Albert Finch Aug 14, 2016.

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