Albert Finch Ministry

The Lord calls His vessels, those that are even empty; He calls them to come and drink of His Spirit, to come to be filled fresh, strong.

His wind will blow away the staleness, the familiar, the comfortable, but it will blow in a NEW THING:

You will know it by His peace that will be in the midst of it. 
You will know it by the instructions of truth from His Word that will establish it.
You will know it by the presence of His Spirit that will hover and instill it – write it on your hearts.
You will know it by the quickening of His Spirit to your spirit.

You must choose to come. For He has given you the RIVER OF LIFE already:

He wants to know if you will drink from the cup of salvation?


Will you swim in the river of His glory?

Will you bathe in the river of His cleansing stream?

Will you allow His water to overrule your thinking, and wash away unclean thoughts, negative thoughts, thoughts of anger, rage, disappointment, and fear?

Will you allow His water to come and to take down all that would cause your thoughts to come against His highest plan for you?

For He wants a pure and holy people – filled, spilling over, with the river of God.

Come. Do not despise thirst, but come, for thirst is a calling card of His Spirit to come.

Be not content to linger and wander in the desert of brokenness and disappointment, but set your face like flint, and come to the River. For He will part the Red Sea for you, too; for the Blood of Jesus has already won all that concerns you, but you must come.

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God is ready to bring you a new understanding of the knowledge -- His Spirit desires that you would call out, you would decree His awesomeness, you would claim, and then revelation will come – with knowledge. And then with knowledge will come…Continue

Started by Albert Finch Aug 14, 2016.

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