Albert Finch Ministry

Wear the crown of glory that He would have you wear uprightly. Lay down any identity that man would come with. Man would come and try to push His crown off your head, and put upon it a counterfeit identity.


Lay down all these things that rush into your mind – to where you cannot even come into His presence, because your mind, your spirit, is somewhere else. Press it aside. Press forward in the run of faith. And know, as you run in faith, you will meet Him, face to face, for in His Presence are the answers for every circumstance you are in. You do not understand what is available to you. He brings forth that which would birth life around you.

Call everything that would command you to die – to give up dreams and visions and hope – command it to be cast behind you, for it is of satan. Tell him to get behind you. Tell him that he cannot hinder the call that He has placed upon you. Understand who He calls you to be. You are more than a conqueror in Him, and by His Spirit -- through you.

Let His Spirit rule and reign. Let Him begin to flow out of you – with discernment, with knowledge, with worship. Let all of your might come before His throne. His might will prepare you for when you leave His throne. For you do not walk away empty -- He takes your petition, and begins to move and process it on your behalf.


What would you do with the might of His Spirit?
Would you allow it to flow out of you?
Would you allow it to change you, and raise you up in His own glory?

Do not let man cause you to fall, to slumber, or to come halfheartedly before His throne. But press forward, and come in boldly, for you have an appointment through His Blood.

Let His Blood come and bring life. For has He not said in His Word, there is life in His Blood? Let His Blood come and transfuse back to you the might of His Spirit, so you too can do signs and wonders, and come to the understanding of who you are, and who He is.

Come boldly. Come, allow Him to let His hand rest upon you, and give peace to your mind, peace to your heart, multiplication to your finances, answers if you need answers, and healing if you need healing. Come unto Him all that are heavily laden. Let Him alone be the one that gives you rest.

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God is ready to bring you a new understanding of the knowledge -- His Spirit desires that you would call out, you would decree His awesomeness, you would claim, and then revelation will come – with knowledge. And then with knowledge will come…Continue

Started by Albert Finch Aug 14, 2016.

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