Albert Finch Ministry

"Then those who feared the Lord spoke with one another; the Lord heeded and heard them, and a book of REMEMBRANCE was written before Him of those who feared the Lord and thought on His name." - Malachi 3:16

Think about the wonderful things that God has done in and through you in the past. Re-dig the wells of your testimonies. They are evidence of future blessings and are reminders of His faithfulness to deliver you in your current situation.

You have been prepared for a harvest, gathered in by arms of compassion. You have been comforted by the Lord so you may DISCIPLE others, loving them and equipping them to life.


I let Jesus wash my feet with a deeper revelation of Himself through His word.

God never promised to lead us by our physical senses or our mental faculties. What we see through the eyes of the Spirit is usually in great contrast to what the natural eyes are telling us. Our physical senses deceive us and are unreliable.

What God reveals in the 'unseen' realm, has far more reality than what we observe in the 'seen' realm. When we see through the eyes of the Spirit, everything changes. So often we pray for the situation to change but what we really need to pray is 'Lord open my eyes.'

"And the Lord said to Joshua: 'See! I have given Jericho into your hand, its king, and the mighty men of valor."' - Joshua 6:2

God was commanding Joshua to SEE THE UNSEEN! Before he would see Jericho defeated with his physical eyes, he had to see Jericho defeated with his spiritual eyes. He had to see into the eternal. It must be tangible in your spirit, before it becomes tangible in the natural.

"He was very thirsty, and he called out to the Lord, 'You gave this great deliverance through Your servant, but now may I die of thirst and fall into the hands of the uncircumcised?' So God split open the basin at Lehi, and water flowed out of it. He drank, was refreshed, and revived. Because of this, he called the place En Hakkore, which is in Lehi to this day." - Judges 15:18-19

A war-weary Samson called out to God in a moment of desperation and God split open the very ground Samson stood on, causing refreshing water to flow!

En Hakkore means the fountain of the crier or the spring of one who prays.

Your Prayers Have Come Up Before the Lord!

To the worn out, war-weary ones – those who have fought and maybe even seen great victory but now it looks like a dehydrated death in the dust is your portion – there is an En Hakkore for you!

This same Spirit of God that broke open the ground to release refreshing water is the same Holy Spirit that is causing tremors beneath the dry ground beneath you. These tremors are cracking open the dusty places, the dead soil, and the parched earth to release waters of revival, calling, and purpose that will bring a supernatural restoration to you!


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Scripture Of The Day - May26, 2024

“By this we know that He abides in us, by the Spirit whom He has given us” –1 John 3:24 OBSERVATION:When the word of God is abiding in me and functioning properly, it works on me first before it works on my circumstances, "separating" my spirit, my…Continue

Started by Albert Finch Jan 17, 2016.

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