Albert Finch Ministry

Your teenager needs to hear father pray. He needs to hear mother pray for him and for herself. He needs to know that his parents trust him to God.

We must go on to maturity. We must set our vision on the PURPOSE (our DESTINY for which we have been made a new creation.

"For all the promises of God in Christ are Yes, and in Him Amen, to the glory of God through us." - 2 Corinthians 1:20

There is a union between Christ and the Christian that is so deep, so pure, so sweet, so real, that the very conditions of the human spirit are transmitted to His, and the conditions of Christ's spirit are transmitted to ours.


Father, in the name of Jesus I ask You to strengthen me through Your love and wisdom. Lord Jesus, this day I choose to deny myself, take up my cross and follow You. I will fulfill my destiny through the inner strength of Your might and power. In Jesus' name, Amen.


Jesus is my Great High Priest, and He is interceding for me right now. I boldly confess that I am fear-free and that anxiety has no place in me!

Like Abraham I stagger not at the promises of God through unbelief; but am strong in faith giving glory to God!

I am no accident going somewhere to happen. My life isn't just a loose web of events and circumstances. God has specific plans for me.

Romans 5:3,4 - "And not only so, but we glory in tribulations also: knowing that tribulation worketh patience; and patience, experience; and experience, hope."

Jesus did not come to deliver us from our problems but from ourselves. He did not come to change our circumstances - He came to change us.

Hebrews 12:2, "We look away from the natural realm and we fasten our gaze onto Jesus who birthed faith within us and who leads us forward into faith's perfection."
The Lord calls each one and is beckoning us to come into His presence as we pursue His calling on our life. Our eyes are transfixed on His eyes our vision changes and we are seeing through the eyes of Jesus.

We are given strategies for breakthrough; and we are given the direction we should take or information we would need for the new season ahead. Some are given a scene of encouragement and comfort as they looked through the eyes of Jesus. These Believers are walking through difficult times, but as they fixed their eyes on Jesus their vision is filled with peace, comfort, hope, and revelation concerning God's purpose for their life.

Romans 15:13, "Now may God, the inspiration and fountain of hope, fill you to overflowing with uncontainable joy and perfect peace as you trust in Him."


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"Well-formed love banishes fear. Since fear is crippling, a fearful life -- fear of death, fear of judgement -- is one not yet fully formed in love." -- 1 John 4:18 The MessageStop staring into that hole of loss, and start abiding in a fresh soaking…Continue

Started by Albert Finch Jan 13, 2016.

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