Albert Finch Ministry

"Not by might, nor by power, but by my Spirit, says the Lord of hosts. What are you O great shall become a plain......amid shouts of 'Grace,grace to it." - Zechariah 4:6,7


The ministry of the Christian is the ministry of the Spirit. Other men have intellectuality, but the Christian is supposed to be the possessor of the Spirit.

As simple as breathing is in the physical life, so will praying be in the life led by the Holy Spirit.


Are you hungry? Do you want to be a sign, a wonder, and a miracle for the glory of the Lord and for a harvest of souls such as the world has never before seen?

You're not overcome because Jesus overcame! Why waste time focused on what the giants are doing? Why not focus on who God is and what God is doing and what God can do through you by the effectual workings of His power.

To be effective we must minister according to His energy, or His power in our lives.


As we cry out from a deep engaging of the Spirit of the living God within our spirit, we experience communion, which is a place of deep-to-deep fellowship with the Holy Spirit. The Holy Spirit searches out the deep counsel of God for us and reveals it to us.

"But God has revealed them to us through His Spirit. For the Spirit searches all things, yes, the deep things of God - 1 Corinthians 2:10

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He is involved in each moment of your life. He has carefully mapped out every inch of your journey through this day, even though much of it may feel haphazard. Because the world is in a fallen condition, things always seem to be unraveling around…Continue

Started by Albert Finch Aug 11, 2015.

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