Albert Finch Ministry

Seeking Communion - February 17, 2023

While we all have different assignments, we all have the same ultimate goal. In this race, - advance God's Kingdom throughout the earth.  Jesus is to be our focus. He is to be our "One Thing." Jesus is the way, the truth, and the life. He is our leader, destiny, pattern, and exemplification.

More than ever with what we are facing in 2023;
the tribulations of this world, moving forward in God's purpose for our life -- above all else, we need to be fixing our eyes upon Jesus and adoring Him no matter what shaking comes our way. As we keep our eyes on Him and run wholeheartedly the race set before us, we will experience acceleration deeper into the heart of God and into our destiny.


While our focus is to remain on Jesus, it's also wondrous to ponder the fact that we were the joy that was set before Him that caused Him to endure the Cross. In light of the extreme price that's already been paid for us, as we dive into the rigors of this year, let's consecrate 2023 by throwing off everything that might hold us back. 

When we lock eyes on the One who gave everything for us and when we run unhindered toward Him with everything inside of us, no matter where we see Him – whether that be in a storm, a valley, or a mountain top – everything else will fade away. It's simple, really, when Jesus is not just our "One Thing" but our Everything, the all-consuming desire of our lives, all else falls into place in perfect alignment with Heaven (Matthew 6:33). Let's fix our gaze on the One who loves us more than we could ever comprehend, and let's run with total abandonment into the arms of Jesus, with a relentless passion to advance in His purpose for our life to bear fruit that remains for His ever-advancing Kingdom.

As you welcome a fresh baptism of fire and focus over your life, may you see Jesus like never before, and may the gold emerge and sparkle in the radiance of His glorious presence.


Last updated by FAITH Feb 17, 2023.


SUNDAY SCHOOL - June 16, 2024

Exodus 16:4 -- "Then said the Lord unto Moses, Behold, I will rain bread from heaven for you; and the people shall go out and gather a certain rate every day, that I may prove them, whether they will walk in my law or no."God took a little…Continue

Started by FAITH 23 hours ago.

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