Albert Finch Ministry

The outpouring of the Spirit is likened in Scripture to a deluge of rain on a dry and thirsty land. But if that deluge is to result in a harvest, then the soil must first be prepared. "Break up your fallow ground," cries the prophet Hosea, " for it is time to seek the Lord, that He may come and rain righteousness upon you.." (Hosea 10:12)

What is fallow ground? It is land which now lies idle through lack of cultivation -- hearts of many who profess the name of Christ but are spiritually unproductive and void of spiritual growth.
Fallow ground is hard; that is why it needs to be broken up. Hardness is not confined to those who have denied the faith or fallen into deep sin. There are believers today sitting under the finest ministry year after year without giving any evidence of spiritual growth. Their state of heart has deprived them of spiritual understanding, though their minds are being filled with biblical information.
The insensitive heart does not hear. There are burdens God wants to share, but He cannot do that if we are out of touch.

Fallow ground is weed-bound. If we are not diligently cultivating the garden of our soul, we may be sure that spiritual weeds are flourishing.

Fallow ground is unfruitful. The ultimate purpose of the Lord's dealings with us is that we may be fruitful (John 15:16). Nothing short of fruit that remains will satisfy Him. It is possible to be religiously active, ever zealous in our service to God, yet when a hungry Savior comes to us, as to the fig tree, looking for fruit, He finds nothing but the leaves of our busyness. And so He goes His way as hungry as when He came, and deeply disappointed.

What then is to be done with this unproductive fallow ground? We are to break it up, says the prophet. Noticed, it is not primarily a question of God breaking us, but of us breaking ourselves. We must be careful to not put the obligation of breaking ourselves upon God -- "Please break me" -- we He has already put the obligation on us by saying, "You break your own fallow ground" (Hosea 10:12). Of course we cannot do this without Him. But when He sees us responding to His command in obedience and faith, He will do His part, working in us by His Spirit.



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Comment by Isabella Mark on February 21, 2024 at 2:01am

An insightful read on 'Preparing for Revival.' The author beautifully captures the essence of revival and the importance of readiness. As we eagerly anticipate the resurgence of various aspects in our lives, it's crucial to approach challenges with a proactive mindset. This piece resonates with the idea that preparation is key. In every journey, just like in my academic pursuits, I've learned the significance of being well-prepared. It's akin to how I meticulously pay for my assignment services to ensure academic excellence. Revival, much like success in education, requires thoughtful preparation and strategic efforts.


SUNDAY SCHOOL - June 23, 2024

Ephesians 1:5,6 - "Having predestined us unto the adoption of children by Jesus Christ to himself, according to the good pleasure of his will, to the praise of the glory of his grace, wherein he has made us accepted in the beloved."Since we are…Continue

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