Albert Finch Ministry

In Joshua's day, before crossing the Jordan River and moving into their inheritance, God said to the people, "Consecrate yourselves, for tomorrow the Lord will do wonders among you" (Joshua 3:5).

This is an exhortation for us today!




The word consecrate, in Hebrew, is actually a relational term. "Qadash" means to separate or set yourself apart unto God -- He says "Come to Me so I can bless you."

 "Qadash"(set apart to Him), is actually the root word for holy (qodesh). Being "holy" isn't the result of or defined as "being good enough?"

Rather it is the nature (qodesh) we receive from our union with Him (qadash), that motivates us to good works and a refusal to sin. We must be careful, then, that when we set out to prepare ourselves for a move of God's Spirit, we do not move into a legalistic works mentality, trying to accomplish separation and holiness in our own abilities; rather, we draw near to God in relationship.

The Lord desires to raise up men and women of prayer and radical devotion through which He can release a greater "Great Awakening" and shift the course of nations today To be a part of this, however, we must be willing to comply with what God requires of us by focusing our passion on advancing His Kingdom and drawing near to receiving the required revelation. 




The Lord is inviting you to enter into a season where you separate yourself unto Him in an extra special way:

  1. Take time to inquire of the Lord as to your calling in Christ and your willingness to bear fruit for the Kingdom.
  2. Things will shift if you increase your devotion time by 15 to 30 minutes each day.
  3. Doors will open if you fast one lunch per week to spend that time with the Lord.
  4. You will experience breakthrough if you affirm and meditate on who you are in Christ and commune with the Lord as you go about your daily chores.


If you rearrange your busy schedule over the next few weeks to pray and fast and spend more time in worship and building yourself up in the scriptures that have to do with your Christ identity, your life will radically change. No matter what level of relationship you currently enjoy with the Lord, He wants to transform you into a more passionate and zealous Believer. As you draw into His depths, His cleansing stream will prepare you to move forward in your Christ calling.



ZZ – 2824   DW12  DRE302   06-20-2024



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Sunday School - August 4, 2024

Hebrews 4:12 - "For the Word of God is living and powerful.........."For one who has faith in the Word of God, there is nothing impossible. There are no impossibilities when there is faith..........and there are no exceptions.......MY FAITH IN GOD'S…Continue

Started by Albert Finch Aug 4.

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