Albert Finch Ministry

According to 1 John 3:8, Jesus had a purpose. His purpose was to "...destroy the works of the devil." The word purpose in Greek is the word "tupos" (pronounced too-pos) and it means "model or imitation." When He was destroying the works of the devil, He became a model for us to imitate.

When we are carrying out our calling in Christ, we are imitating God. In fact, this is one of the ways that we are able to give Him glory – by imitating Him!

Satan is consumed with targeting us, as he did Eve in the Garden, attempting to cause us to doubt our identity in Christ. If we believe the opposite of who we are, (i.e.; sons and daughters of the King and made in His divine image), we become powerless to fully imitate God. Why is that? It is because when we doubt our identity in God, we also doubt our ability to be demonstrators of His power.

God is never not pursuing you!  His desire is to restore us, heal up the brokenhearted and demonstrate and advance His Kingdom in.the earth.

There are no limits to what we do or experience in Christ. Believe and limitless living is yours to experience!

Problem is the enemy has placed many different limitations upon us which hinder us from demonstration. It's time to take the limitations from our past off!




What do you believe is holding you back?

What are your limitations?

God desires to empower you to let go of such limitations as:

  • reliance on yourself
  • efforts to please God through religious performance
  • disappointments
  • emotional pain and trauma
  • defensive and defeated attitudes
  • and much more!




Many times we feel limited! Why? Because satan targets our minds with lies.

The lies of the enemy that limit us sound like this:

  • You're not smart enough to teach God's Word.
  • What makes you believe that God would use someone with a past like yours?
  • You are a complete failure in life. How can God use you?
  • If you pray for the sick, they might not get healed. Just think of what people might say about you.
  • You are not qualified to demonstrate God's power
  • You are flawed. God cannot use someone like you!

Pray for God the Father of our Lord Jesus to give you the spirit of wisdom and revelation in the knowledge and understanding of your Christ identity as you affirm and meditate on the scriptures in Paul’s epistles that have to do with your identity in Christ. This is the best defense (God's Word made Rhema to your spirit) against satan's assaults and previously learned bad teaching.

Yes, your aim is to be able to advance God’s Kingdom through your Christ calling by bearing fruit that remains.

  "You came into Kingdom royalty for such a time as this." - Esther 4:14





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Sunday School - August 4, 2024

Hebrews 4:12 - "For the Word of God is living and powerful.........."For one who has faith in the Word of God, there is nothing impossible. There are no impossibilities when there is faith..........and there are no exceptions.......MY FAITH IN GOD'S…Continue

Started by Albert Finch Aug 4.

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