Albert Finch Ministry

Maria.rosemerry's Comments

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At 1:19pm on June 27, 2019, Albert Finch said…

2 Corinthians 5:17 - "All things have become new."  1 Corinthians 3:23 - "you are Christ's and Christ is God's."  

God means for us to walk in this royal way.  Jesus left us the responsibility of allowing Him to bring forth through us the greater works (John 14:12). 

If we do not step into God's purpose for our life, it is a tragedy. God is waiting for us to act.  Jesus lived a life of perfect activity.  There is no standing still. "As He is, so are we in this world." (1 John 4:17). We must dare to press on until God comes forth in mighty power -- press on until Jesus is glorified. 

At 3:49pm on June 26, 2019, Albert Finch said…

1 John 2:27 - “As for you, the anointing which you received from Him abides in you,”  

According to the scriptures, before you were born again, you were without the Anointed One (Jesus).  If you were without the Anointed One you were also without the anointing.  

But now, since you are one with Christ, you are in the anointing of Jesus. The anointing is available to you in every situation you face to destroy every yoke of bondage. The anointing of God is God on flesh doing those things only God can do.

So, whatever you are facing today, begin factoring in the anointing in your life. If a yoke is holding you back, then rejoice, because the anointing will destroy it!

At 2:10pm on June 26, 2019, Albert Finch said…

1 John 2:27 - “As for you, the anointing which you received from Him abides in you,”  

According to the scriptures, before you were born again, you were without the Anointed One (Jesus).  If you were without the Anointed One you were also without the anointing.  

But now, since you are one with Christ, you are in the anointing of Jesus. The anointing is available to you in every situation you face to destroy every yoke of bondage. The anointing of God is God on flesh doing those things only God can do.

So, whatever you are facing today, begin factoring in the anointing in your life. If a yoke is holding you back, then rejoice, because the anointing will destroy it!

At 11:15am on June 25, 2019, Albert Finch said…

Mark 11:23,24 - “…shall not doubt in his heart but shall BELIEVE THAT WHAT HE SAYS shall be done, WHATSOEVER HE SAYS SHALL BE DONE unto him. Therefore I say unto you, whatever things you desire, when you pray, BELIEVE THAT YOU RECEIVE  them, and you shall have them.”   

Believing is an action word.  Just before Jesus told us in Mark 11:24 to believe that we receive, He told us in verse 23 that we “we shall have whatever we say.” Put those two together and you’ll see what a powerful thing it is when you actually say the phrase, “I believe I receive.”  Something happens in your spirit when you say those words. 

When you constantly say with your mouth, “I believe I receive my healing,” or “I believe I receive my financial needs met,” and then quote the scriptures that back those things, faith is released to bring power to bear in the areas of those needs. When everything looks the worst, we say it the loudest, I BELIEVE I RECEIVE!

At 12:13pm on June 24, 2019, Albert Finch said…

Matthew 18:10 - "See that you do not despise one of these little ones. For I tell you that their angels in heaven always see the face of my Father in heaven." 

We have angels assigned to us.  Hebrews 1:14 further reveals that their purpose is to minister to us (on our behalf).  Psalm 91 teaches on the ministry of angels to God's people.  It is the combination of our faith in God and His faithfulness to us that releases the angels to our aid. Speak forth your faith and He will send forth His angels on your behalf.


In the days to come, I am becoming so established in God's Word and power that nothing in the world order will be able to phase me. I shall not be afraid of evil tidings because my heart is fixed, trusting in the Lord

At 9:42am on June 24, 2019, Albert Finch said…

Matthew 18:10 - "See that you do not despise one of these little ones. For I tell you that their angels in heaven always see the face of my Father in heaven." 

We have angels assigned to us.  Hebrews 1:14 further reveals that their purpose is to minister to us (on our behalf).  Psalm 91 teaches on the ministry of angels to God's people.  It is the combination of our faith in God and His faithfulness to us that releases the angels to our aid. Speak forth your faith and He will send forth His angels on your behalf.


In the days to come, I am becoming so established in God's Word and power that nothing in the world order will be able to phase me. I shall not be afraid of evil tidings because my heart is fixed, trusting in the Lord

At 6:28pm on June 23, 2019, Albert Finch said…

Philippians 3:13 -  "I focus on this one thing: Forgetting the past and looking forward to what lies ahead"  

There are new places for us to move that are assignments and alignments. In order for us to position ourselves for the new, we have to unload the old.  The past is mostly used to get us ready for the future.

In this new place there is healing, clarity, boldness, purpose (revelation of God's purpose for your life), provision, reward and unknown things that God will reveal when we get there.

At 2:15pm on June 22, 2019, Albert Finch said…

2 Chronicles 16:9 - "The eyes of the LORD search the whole earth in order to strengthen those whose hearts are fully committed to him."  

So often we try to figure things out instead of just trusting God and doing what He says in His Word.  As a result, we end up in disobedience -- which always leads to unbelief.  Don't let the giants in your life scare you into hiding.  Let God know you'll trust Him and His Word no matter what the circumstances say or look like.  Then worship Him knowing you'll see Him demonstrate His power and faithfulness on your behalf.  

Affirmation:  I keep my heart faithful toward God so that He shows Himself strong on my behalf. 

At 12:52pm on June 22, 2019, Albert Finch said…

2 Chronicles 16:9 - "The eyes of the LORD search the whole earth in order to strengthen those whose hearts are fully committed to him."  

So often we try to figure things out instead of just trusting God and doing what He says in His Word.  As a result, we end up in disobedience -- which always leads to unbelief.  Don't let the giants in your life scare you into hiding.  Let God know you'll trust Him and His Word no matter what the circumstances say or look like.  Then worship Him knowing you'll see Him demonstrate His power and faithfulness on your behalf.  

Affirmation:  I keep my heart faithful toward God so that He shows Himself strong on my behalf. 

At 4:08pm on June 21, 2019, Albert Finch said…

Philippians 3:13,14 - “Brethren, I do not regard myself as having laid hold of it yet; but one thing I do: forgetting what lies behind and reaching forward to what lies ahead, I press toward the mark for the prize of the high calling of God in Christ Jesus.”

Press into God by “adding to.” Add a few minutes more to your prayer time, Praise a few minutes more. Stretch yourself. Press through the limitations your flesh has tried to impose on you. See yourself turning from the past toward the future God has for you in Christ Jesus.

Settle in your spirit and in your mind what you need to do to advance in God’s PURPOSE FOR YOUR LIFE.  Now, see yourself rising up and marching toward those marks with faith in your heart as the Holy Spirit leads you and give you His strength to get there.


SUNDAY SCHOOL - June 16, 2024

Exodus 16:4 -- "Then said the Lord unto Moses, Behold, I will rain bread from heaven for you; and the people shall go out and gather a certain rate every day, that I may prove them, whether they will walk in my law or no."God took a little…Continue

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