Affirmation: The glory of the Lord has risen upon me. I express radiance as my heart thrills and rejoices.
We can control the passion and intensity with which we live our lives. To get the fruitful life that God has purposed for you, you must go out on a limb away from the ordinary and complacent. - Sean Smith
If we want to be co-laborers with Jesus, fulfilling His purpose for our life, we must step out of the comfort zone and move into the life of faith where our only source is the invisible God and the integrity of His word. He said we cannot be His disciples if we don't do this. - Mike Bickle
"If anyone wishes to come after Me, let him deny himself, and take up his cross daily, and follow Me." - Luke 9:23
The daily walk in the un-christian world is the crucible which tests the Christian's meditative life - has it lodged the Word of God so securely and deeply in his heart that it holds and fortifies him, impelling him to active love, to obedience to good works? - Dietrich Bonhoeffer
The adventure of living has not really begun until we begin to stand on our faith legs and claim the resources of our God. - Catherine Marshall
Affirmation: I keep the Word before me until I receive a revelation of Jesus as my healer or my deliverer or whatever I need Him to be.
In the process of asking for your heart's desires you discover the grief God bears. But not just any grief; it is that sorrow which you are uniquely equipped to heal (your calling). - Mario Murillo
The way to overcome the spiritual powers that come against us through people is to turn the other cheek. This makes the demons flee in terror. We cannot win a spiritual battle with carnal weapons. - Andrew Wommack
"For the weapons of our warfare are not carnal but mighty through God....." - 2 Corinthians 10:4
Beware lest your sense of unworthiness becomes a smoke screen for unbelief! Even now, the Holy Spirit is descending, hovering, and brooding over you. Shake yourself from the depression in which circumstances have kept you! You are standing at the threshold of God's glory! - Francis Frangipane
Even in the midst of my daily schedule I can call out to God. - Andrew Murray
Affirmation: I refuse to settle for a shallow mental understanding of Jesus.
If in the church people strive to be great, this is bringing the values of the world into the church. - Watchman Nee
Jesus needed frequent retreat and solitude to do his work. Yet we somehow think we can do without what he deemed essential. - Richard Foster
"In the morning, a great while before day, He rose and went out to a lone place" - Mark 1:35
Be resurrected from death and set free to run after the Lord; when we can hear, see and run after the Lord, He will lead us on a new path. - B. Breathitt
The only ultimate disaster that can befall us is to feel ourselves at home on this earth. - Malcolm Muggeridge