Albert Finch Ministry

Exodus 16:4 -- "Then said the Lord unto Moses, Behold, I will rain bread from heaven for you; and the people shall go out and gather a certain rate every day, that I may prove them, whether they will walk in my law or no."

God took a little insignificant matter, the food they ate -- and used it to see if they would listen to Him or not. He told them how much of it to gather, when to gather and when not to, and what to do with it after the brought it in.
And the Israelites went right out and violated those instructions. They showed God by their actions that His voice was not important to them. They were not willing to obey even His simplest commands.

God works the same way with us today. Before He sends us on a major mission, He gives us the occasion to prove we can be trusted with small instructions.

Luke 16:10 -- "He who is faithful in a very little (thing), is faithful also in much".


What has God given you to do right now?

What could you do better?


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Sunday School - August 4, 2024

Hebrews 4:12 - "For the Word of God is living and powerful.........."For one who has faith in the Word of God, there is nothing impossible. There are no impossibilities when there is faith..........and there are no exceptions.......MY FAITH IN GOD'S…Continue

Started by Albert Finch Aug 4.

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