Affirmation: As I experience spiritual hunger and seek for something more, I am called apart to be alone with the Lord for a time of preparation.
God never intended our lives to be held hostage to a single moment of failure or unbelief. God invites us to peel off those labels of failure and brokenness that do not reflect His heart and begin, once again, to move forward towards our true DESTINY. - Garris Elkins
The "sound" of your Godly calling (destiny) should be nothing less than the driving force behind how you live your entire life. - Dennis Cramer
"Let this mind be in you, which was also in Christ Jesus." - Philippians 2:5
The world is watching. They are looking for a demonstration of a Jesus they can follow, too. How we represent Him in dark days screams volumes to people seeking answers. This is where the "rubber meets the road," so to speak. We are challenged to consider our ways. - C. McGill
Our victory never comes from our emotions or our intellect. Our victory comes by refusing to judge by what our eyes see or our ears hear and by trusting that what God has promised will come to pass. We will never know Christ's victory in its fullness until we stop reacting humanly to our circumstances. - Francis Frangipane
Affirmation: As I study the scriptures I submit my spirit to the leading of the Holy Spirit.
Wouldn't you like for the Holy Spirit, the Spirit of wisdom and revelation, to come and settle upon you right now? -- to get to know God like you haven't known Him before, and that you see Him as Mighty God. This revelation so radically changes your thinking; it radically changes you lifestyle, and you start expecting every day for mighty things to take place. - Keith Miller
Our passion and desperation for God occurs not once, but repeatedly and cyclically, as God continually turns our gaze toward eternity. The more our affections belong go God, the less satisfied we are with the world. Like Paul we begin to feel a longing to lead our hearts in pursuit of eternity. - Shawn Bolz
"Meanwhile we groan, longing to be clothed with our heavenly that what is mortal may be swallowed up by life." 2 Corinthians 5:2-4
God never promised to lead us by our physical senses or our mental faculties. What we see through the eyes of the Spirit is usually in great contrast to what the natural eyes are telling us. - Steve Sampson
Ask the Lord for direction during the day. Do not fill the day with busyness, but focus on loving people. Be attentive to the Holy Spirit, allowing Him to speak to your heart about specific assignments. - Alice Smith
Affirmation: As I recognize His presence and turn aside to stand before Him, I become the expression of His voice crying in the wilderness of today.
Being the servant of all, I am bound to serve all and to and minister the balm-bearing words of my lord. - Francis of Assisi
"If any one would be first he must be last of all and servant of all." - Mark 9:35
Self-righteous service is affected by moods and whims ie. "feeling to serve." True service ministers simply and faithfully because there is a need. The service DISCIPLINES THE FEELINGS rather than allowing the feeling to control the service. - Richard Foster
The Great Commission is not the Great Suggestion. It is a draft, a call-up. It is a priority, the basic requirement of every church. We might ask this question: Has a church any right to exist if it does not carry out the purpose for which it exists? To be called to His service, to wear the livery of Christ, is the proudest honor a person can know. - Reinhard Bonnke
finally words from a person of explanation that absolutely make sense. u have such a nice way to explain, especially truths. thanks u god for this man. amen finally the answer i was longing for. to be without food and help from yr people sure has been draing. now fill me with more living waters . amen. more strenght and power to carry it threw to the end. amen. i will watch u daily if is ok? i think so. as god helped me to find u. he heard me and answered me. i knew i was missing bread and water. also thanks for new laptop so i can now read and hear and listen to yr words god. always yr child. evelyn.d.
Hebrews 4:12 - "For the Word of God is living and powerful.........."For one who has faith in the Word of God, there is nothing impossible. There are no impossibilities when there is faith..........and there are no exceptions.......MY FAITH IN GOD'S…Continue
Started by Albert Finch Aug 4, 2024.
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