Albert Finch Ministry

He is asking you to lay down all of the hindrances – all that you have been holding on to, and all that man would try to wrap you in; for He is a collector of grave clothes. They are leftovers and He wants to take them off of you. He will take off all reproach, so that you will only experience approaching His Throne of Grace, in full assurance.

He has not come to condemn, but He has come with a drawing heart – a heart to draw you deeper, and deeper and deeper into the things of His Spirit. For as Jonah was swallowed up in the big fish, for disobedience, so He desires to swallow you up in pure obedience; and to hide you inside Himself for protection; to have you hidden from the storm. So you will ride through the storm -- for know that He is the God of provision.

He is the God of the beginning, the end, and the middle. There is not one thing in your life that He cannot use, whether it be pain, whether it is a testimony of a sin forgiven and forgotten, whether it be a vision, or a dream or a prompting of His Spirit. For He hears even the sighs in your heart, as well as your cries in the night.

He is near you. If only you could see in the spirit, you would never, ever, have fear – fear of man or fear of any circumstance. For you would understand, there is nothing to fear. Bring your faith to Him, and let Him increase your faith into His goodness. And as you grow in your own understanding, the knowledge of the goodness of God toward you and for you, you will learn to recognize what is of Him, of His Spirit, and what the demonic would send against you.


He is bringing all that you are, into the fullness of what you were called to be, for He is the God of completion. Has He not said, 'I am the beginning and the end'?

He presents to you; gifts of Himself, gifts of His Spirit, gifts of answered prayers, gifts of His anointing to break off yokes, and to draw you closer into His anointing.

Allow Him to capture your heart, to capture your mind, to renew your vision and your understanding, so being distraught will be far, far, away. Allow Him to bury what was. Will you accept who He has called you to be: 'Sons and Daughters of the Most High God'? Wear this title with humility, authority, with dignity, and with a grateful heart. For truly you have been labeled, and marked; marked by His love, marked by His compassion, set aside, consecrated, made holy.

"I am sure that God who began the good work within you will keep right on helping you grow in His grace until His task within you is finally finished on that day when Jesus Christ returns." -- Philippians 1:6 LB

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God is ready to bring you a new understanding of the knowledge -- His Spirit desires that you would call out, you would decree His awesomeness, you would claim, and then revelation will come – with knowledge. And then with knowledge will come…Continue

Started by Albert Finch Aug 14, 2016.

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