The state of many in the Kingdom -- how the wind had been knocked out of them. They once were full of life and vigor but now they are just going through the motions and are lifeless.
God wants you to live again. This is your season to rise again. We are standing at the threshold of a great revival. Hear the wind of God blowing into your life even now. This is your hour! The time is now. God is calling you from the tomb of disappointment. He is calling you out from the grave of hopelessness -- to arise from your weak, powerless, and anemic condition. This is your resurrection season!
The alarm of awakening is sounding. Can you hear the noise of dry bones coming to life again? It is time!"
Be loosed from the grave clothes (John 11:43-44) of your last season and let go from every dead thing trying to cause you to remain in the tomb. This is your moment. The authority of Heaven is backing you up. ARISE!
"The entire universe is standing on tiptoe, yearning to see the unveiling of God's glorious sons and daughters!" (Romans 8:19, TPT)
He Says sto you 'Come Forth!' You have been asleep too long.
Can you feel expectancy rising up inside of you? This is your day for a RESURGENCE!
The Spirit of the Lord says, "This is your day for a RESURGENCE!"
Can you feel the shaking of the rattling of them coming together as one great army? Do you sense the sudden resurgence that is coming suddenly? It is time!"
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