Albert Finch Ministry



"The Spirit of the Lord is on Me, because He has anointed Me to proclaim good news to the poor. He has sent Me to proclaim freedom for the prisoners and recovery of sight for the blind, to set the… View »


Walking around a dead situation long enough can sometimes dampen even the most brilliant and powerful faith! However, it's just these times where God comes to you and asks you like He asked Ezekiel,&… View »


Anything that feels like an impossibility can become a giant in your life, When you allow things to become bigger to you than God's power, you have given the enemy a foothold in your life, and you a… View »

EXHORTATIONS - February 2023

Your favor will grow as you learn to steward it for the benefit of others. Stewarding your favor involves discipling the people He places in your life in their Christ identity. As carriers of H… View »

EXHORTATIONS - January 2023

To not be moved by the world, you have to be shaken from past mindsets of the world. New requires a process, where the promises you often wait for are mined like diamonds. We can focus on the loss t… View »

EXHORTATIONS - December 2022

Jesus declared that the gates of Hell would not prevail against you (the Church), and gave the keys of the Kingdom to His disciples (you) – the authority to bind and loose! "I will give you the key… View »

November 2022 - Exhortations

God is giving you the invitation to cross over into a new move of God. You are standing at the threshold of revival. You have been purposed to carry the glory of God. Wherever you go, the atmosphere… View »


10-12-2022 The state of many in the Kingdom -- how the wind had been knocked out of them. They once were full of life and vigor but now they are just going through the motions and are lifeless. God w… View »

EXHORTATIONS - October 2022

What is our attitude regarding allowing the Holy Spirit to manifest His life and power through us? Are we thirsty? Are we longing? Are we willing to pay the price? Are we willing to forfeit in order… View »


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