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Hebrews 4:12 - "For the Word of God is living and powerful.........."For one who has faith in the Word of God, there is nothing impossible. There are no impossibilities when there is faith..........and there are no exceptions.......MY FAITH IN GOD'S…Continue
Started by Albert Finch Aug 4.
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Albert Finch Ministry - Daily Devotional - July 24, 2019
Isaiah 43:25,26 - “I, even I, am the one who wipes out your transgressions for My own sake, And I will not remember your sins. Put Me in remembrance, let us argue our case together; State your cause, that you may be proved right.”
As long as you allow the devil to keep reminding you of past sins and failures, he will take advantage of you. Constantly dwelling on the past will keep your faith inoperative. And as long as you have no confidence in your own faith, your prayers will be hindered.
Why does God say that He won’t remember our sins for His own sake? So that He can bless us! He blots out our sins for His own sake so He can help us and demonstrate His great mercy and love on our behalf.
James 4:2,3 - “You have not because you ask not. You ask, and receive not, because you ask amiss.”
What does it mean to pray wrong? In many cases, it simply means to pray without expecting results. Many Believers use prayer as a kind of spiritual wishbone.
Start praying to in the Name of Jesus according to the Word of God, and expecting to receive what you ask for every single time – this is bold and you have a scriptural right to be bold. According to scripture, you have a standing invitation from your heavenly Father to “come boldly unto the throne of grace that you MAY OBTAIN” (Hebrews 4:16). That word “obtain” is a word of certainty meaning to “get possession of.”
When you go to God in accurate, Word of God-based, Spirit-inspired prayer, you DO know that He’s going to meet your need exactly as you asked Him. Start expecting Him to do it today.
2 Timothy 1:7 - “for God gave us a spirit not of fear but of power and love and self-control.“
The innocent desire you have to protect yourself will cost you dearly when it comes to walking with God. It infected the Israelites to such a degree that they forgot the signs and wonders (Exodus 14:11). Suddenly they saw themselves as just people again - - not people with whom God dwells, but just people.
Satan will get you into a natural rather than a supernatural perspective – that you are just a natural person. That’s why you need to think with the mind of Christ.
Affirm and meditate on His Word continually. Speak it to your problems…and watch faith rise up. Then you’ll have the right perspective and victory will be yours!
Psalm 32:8 - “The Lord says, "I will guide you along the best pathway for your life. I will advise you and watch over you."
Sometimes you may look around and see that things have changed and that you need to move in another direction. While your vision is still the same, the provisions God is using to bring about that vision have changed.
And now, in order to continue moving in God’s purpose for your life, you will have to employ new tactics and venture on a new path. Change is not easy. Don’t allow your fear of moving and changing get in the way of your destiny.
This is where it is important to keep your eyes open and your heart open to advancing in the next step in God’s calling on your life.
John 15:4 - “Live in me, and I will live in you. A branch cannot produce any fruit by itself. It has to stay attached to the vine. In the same way, you cannot produce fruit unless you live in me.”
God created you to exalt and bring glory to His name. When you bear fruit, God is glorified. His name is exalted whenever you use the abilities He stored in you. From His storehouse of riches, God will supply all you can imagine, and more because He wants you to fulfill His purpose for your life.
So long as you live in the vine and submitted to the discipline of the Gardner, you will know God’s blessings and will bear abundant fruit that remains.
Your calling in Christ requires a relationship with its Source. God works hard to keep us hooked up with Him. He wants His glory to fill the earth through us.
Luke 10:22 - “All things have been committed to me by my Father."
As the Holy Spirit reveals Jesus. He is real – the living Word, effective, acting, speaking, thinking praying, singing. It is a wonderful life, the substance of the Word of God, which includes possibility, and opportunity, which confronts us, bringing us to a place undaunted.
Jesus has given us power over all the power of the enemy (Luke 10:19). All must be subject to His power. What should we do to "work the works of God?’ (John 6:28). "This is the work of God, that you believe” (verse 29).
We must remain in a strong, resolute resting on the authority of God’s Word, rejoicing in the manifestation of the life of God, through us, on behalf of the sick and perishing multitudes.
Matthew 8:19 - “Then a teacher of the law came to Him and said, ‘Teacher, I will follow you wherever you go.’”
Only a disciple experiences full potential. He seeks new revelations and understandings concerning Jesus’ life and who He calls His disciples to be. Don’t fall for the limitations of the world – the lies and deceptions of the lower nature.
Get connected to God’s purpose for your life. Then stay connected. God has chosen you to go and bear fruit – fruit that remains. Live in Christ and the Father will give you whatever you wish.
Refuse to live below your privileged sonship. Reach for the high calling of Christ for your life. Drink deep from the vine and let your life feed others.
2 Corinthians 4:6 - “For God, who said, ‘Let light shine out of darkness,’ made his light shine in our hearts to give us the light of the knowledge of God’s glory displayed in the face of Christ."
Let your heart take time to wait silently before God that He might reveal His glory. In such times of silent waiting before Him, God will place His thoughts in your heart so they become a great blessing to you and to others.
He will create within you desires and dispositions that will be as rays of His glory shining in you.
Put it to the test now. Offer yourself to Him in sincere humility, and believe that God, in His holy love, will make Himself known to you.
John 3:29,30 - “The bride belongs to the bridegroom….He must increase, but I must decrease.”
His life is manifested power overflowing. We must decrease if the life of God is to be manifested. There is not room for two kinds of life in one body. Death for life – that is the price to pay for the manifested power of God through us.
As we die to selfish desire, there comes a fellowship within, perfected cooperation, you ceasing, God increasing.
God in us is a living substance, a spiritual nature. You live by another life, the “faith of the Son of God” (Galatians 2:20).
John 15:1 - “I am the true vine, and my Father is the gardener.” Jesus says, “I am the True Vine.”
By this statement He implies that there are vines or sources that are not genuine. The potential of the branches and the vine needs the attention of the Gardener. Cutting off the old leaves that stop the vine from producing its full potential, the Gardner starts to clean up the vine.
Are there some old leaves in your life that have been hanging around for five, ten or fifteen years? Do you need to quit a habit or two so your life more truly reflects your oneness with Christ? How many hours in a day are you losing to disobedience and rebellion?
Prune your life through discipline and obedience to God, who desires His purpose for your life to be maximized.
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