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Evangelsit, Rafaqat Irshad
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  • Albert Finch

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At 2:18pm on July 10, 2019, Albert Finch said…

John 3:29,30 - “The bride belongs to the bridegroom….He must increase, but I must decrease.”  

His life is manifested power overflowing.  We must decrease if the life of God is to be manifested.  there is not room for two kinds of life in one body.  Death for life – that is the price to pay for the manifested power of God through us. 

As we die to selfish desire, there comes a fellowship within, perfected cooperation, you ceasing, God increasing. 

God in us is a living substance, a spiritual nature. You live by another life, the “faith of the Son of God” (Galatians 2:20).

At 2:28pm on June 21, 2019, Albert Finch said…

Philippians 3:13,14 - “Brethren, I do not regard myself as having laid hold of it yet; but one thing I do: forgetting what lies behind and reaching forward to what lies ahead, I press toward the mark for the prize of the high calling of God in Christ Jesus.”

Press into God by “adding to.” Add a few minutes more to your prayer time, Praise a few minutes more. Stretch yourself. Press through the limitations your flesh has tried to impose on you. See yourself turning from the past toward the future God has for you in Christ Jesus.

Settle in your spirit and in your mind what you need to do to advance in God’s PURPOSE FOR YOUR LIFE.  Now, see yourself rising up and marching toward those marks with faith in your heart as the Holy Spirit leads you and give you His strength to get there.

At 2:10pm on June 20, 2019, Albert Finch said…

Isaiah 26:9 - “My soul yearns for you in the night.”  

What is the most worthwhile thing you can experience on earth? Nothing less than God Himself! What is the first and most important thing to be done each day?  It is nothing less than to seek, to know, to live, and to praise God. 

So begin every day of the year with the impassioned prayer of David:  “O God, you are my God, earnestly I seek you; my soul thirsts for you…in a dry and weary land” (Psalm 63:1).  As you persevere in this, you will learn to expect the presence of God to surround you throughout the day. 

At 6:28pm on June 19, 2019, Albert Finch said…

So be ablaze with His passion! And you will step into a new confidence this day. You will not be fooled by the voice of the intimidator, but you will rise up with more freedom and spontaneity than ever before. You will rise up "wise as a serpent and harmless as a dove"! (Matthew 10:16)

"And the God of peace will swiftly pound satan to a pulp under your feet! And the wonderful favor of our Lord Jesus will surround you." (Romans 16:20)

At 9:45pm on June 18, 2019, Albert Finch said…

Revelation 3:20 - "Behold, I stand at the door and knock. If anyone hears my voice and opens the door, I will come in to him and eat with him, and he with me."

In order to embrace the love of God, invite Jesus in and commune with Him basking and soaking in His love until you become love. Now you have the God kind of love flowing from your spirt in to the lives of others.

At 10:40pm on December 22, 2012, Albert Finch said…

Evangelist, Rafaqat Irshad


As we know the devil already has his hands on the Christian families more than anywhere else. Help me to bring awareness to the Christians, for we cannot afford to be unaware of the enemy’s devices. Let's teach our children at homes the way they should go. As we have the examples of godly parents in past.


Let' us not to worry about how should it be in schools and in other public places, the world is going to act like the world but let us Christians start from homes to be the Christian homes, to bring forth man and women of God and warrior for the kingdom. So our kids can learn to be faithful until death to receive the crown of life. And walk in their destiny to be fruitful to the Kingdom of God.


Deu 6:6 And these words, which I command thee this day, shall be in thine heart:
Deu 6:7 And thou shalt teach them diligently unto thy children, and shalt talk of them when thou sittest in thine house, and when thou walkest by the way, and when thou liest down, and when thou risest up.

Deu 6:8 And thou shalt bind them for a sign upon thine hand, and they shall be as frontlets between thine eyes.

Deu 6:9 And thou shalt write them upon the posts of thy house, and on thy gates.


Evangelist, Rafaqat Irshad

Faisalabad, Pakistan


At 5:24pm on April 28, 2010, Albert Finch said…
Thank you for joining the Albert Finch Ministry web-site. As you are probably aware the ministry is dedicated to the equipping of the Body of Christ for discipleship. Each day there are new postings. From time to time there will be special e-mail studies to members only. If you have questions or comments about any of these please indicate on the site or e-mail me at:

As ever in Christ Jesus,


Sunday School - July 21, 2024

1 Corinthians 1:9 - "God is faithful (reliable, trustworthy, and therefore ever true to His promise, and He can be depended on)."Seeds of affirmation, meditation, prayer, bearing fruit that remains for God's Kingdom, and other acts of obedience are…Continue

Started by Albert Finch on Sunday.

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