Albert Finch Ministry

Michelle Peter Marius
  • Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia
  • Malaysia
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Michelle Peter Marius's Friends

  • pastor joel
  • Rev. Arjun john
  • Hareth B Mallipudi
  • Emmanuel Thandu
  • Kenneth Kalule
  • Adeel Latif
  • Rev. Arjun john
  • Nauman Saleem Bhatti
  • chevuri henrydavid

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Comment Wall (10 comments)

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At 6:42am on August 1, 2016, Abdulahi M.Ibrahim said…


At 1:56am on October 23, 2012, Kenneth Kalule said…

John 14

14 Jesus said, `Do not let anything trouble your heart. You believe in God and you must believe in me also.

2 In my Father's house are many rooms. If it were not so, I would have told you. I am going to make a place ready for you.

3 If I go to make a place ready for you, I will come again. I will come to take you so that you may be with me.

4 You know where I am going, and you know the

5 Thomas said to Jesus, `Lord, we do not know where you are going. How can we know the way?'

6 Jesus said to him, `I am the way. I am the truth. I give life. No one can come to my Father unless I take him there.

7 If you knew me, you would have known my Father also. But from now on you do know him because you have seen him.'

8 Philip said to him, `Lord, show us the Father, then we will be happy.'

9 Jesus said to him, `Philip, you mean to say that I have been with you all this time and yet you do not know me? The person who has seen me has seen my Father also. Why do you say, "Show us your Father"?

10 Do you not believe that I am in my Father and my Father is in me? The things that I say, I speak not from my own mind. But my Father lives in me and he does the work.

11 I tell you that I am in my Father and my Father is in me. But you do not believe me. So then let the work that I do prove it to you.

12 `I tell you the truth. The person who believes in me will do the big work that I do. And he will do even bigger work because I go to my Father.

13 I will do anything you ask of my Father in my name. In that way the Son will make my Father's name great.

14 If you ask anything in my name, I will do it.'

15 `If you love me, you will obey me.

16 I will ask my Father. He will give you another one to help you and to be with you always.

17 He will send you the Spirit of truth. The world cannot receive the true Spirit because it does not see or know him. You know him because he is with you and will be in you.

18 `I will not leave you without someone to help you. And I myself will come back to you.

19 In a short time the world will not see me again, but you will see me again. Because I live, you will live also.

20 At that time you will know that I am in my Father. You are in me, and I am in you.

21 `He who knows the things I tell him to do and does them, really loves me. My Father will love him and I also will love him. I will show him who I am.'

22 Judas (not Iscariot) said to Jesus, `Lord, how are you going to make yourself real to us, and not to the rest of the world?'

23 Jesus said to him, `If a person loves me, he will obey me. My Father also will love him. And we will come to him and will live with him.

24 The person who does not love me does not obey me. The word which you hear is not my word. It is my Father's word. He is the one who sent me.

25 `I have told you these things while I am still with you.

26 But the Holy Spirit is the one who will help you. My Father will send him in my name. He will teach you everything that I have said to you. His Helper will remind you of all that I said.

27 Peace is what I leave for you. I give you my own peace. People of the world also say, "Peace" to you. I do not say it as they say it. Do not let anything trouble your hearts. Do not fear.

28 You heard me say, "I am going away and then I will come back to you." If you really loved me, then you would have been very glad that I am going to my Father. My Father is greater than I am.

29 `I have told you this before it happens. Then when it does happen, you will believe.

30 After this I will not talk much with you. The ruler of this world is coming. He has no power over me.

31 I will do what my Father tells me to do so that the people of the world may know that I love my Father. `Get up now! We must go.'
ty for the post to my wall brother
and thank you for

At 2:36am on February 13, 2012, Imran Farooq said…

Greeting in His name.Sister how are you? Prayer for me and my Projects 

Imran Farooq

PLCY Pakistan 

At 9:56pm on November 24, 2011, Emmanuel Thandu said…

Dear Beloved Michelle Peter,

Greetings and Love to You.  Nice to meet a fellow believer in christ who is doing a mighty work for the kingdom of God.

Am Emmanuel Thandu from India.  God has given me an oppurtunity to speak in the youth conference and crusades in Kampala, Uganda during 2nd week of December 2011.  Please pray for my journey, visa and financial needs of my missiion trip.  I have been to Uganda during 2009 December to spaek in the youth conference, God has done great things and miracles in the crusades.


I have organized pastors conferences, crusades several times in India inviting pastors from other countries, you can watch all these picturs in my facebook profile ( Thandu Emmanuel ) and some picturs in my website

Love to invite you to visit India, so that we can organize many Gospeal meetings and open air crusades for you and your team.





We pray and request you to pary and support for some Bibles which are required to distribute in many remote and tribal villages, also we need support for some pastors who are working with us going to many remote and tirbal villages to preach the word of God and share the Love of Jesus Christ to win many souls.


Please pray for our Minsitry and Family.  May Love, Peace and Joy be with you always.  Stay Blessed.

yours loving friend in Christ,

Emmanuel Thandu



email   :

skype   :  thandu.emmanuel

website :

At 7:46am on October 30, 2011, Albert Finch said…

"...Do you not know that friendship with the world is enmity with God? Whoever therefore wants to be a friend of the world makes himself an enemy of God...Therefore, come out from among them and be separate, says the Lord..." James 4:4; II Corin 6:17

“Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding; in all your ways acknowledge Him, and He will make your paths straight.” Proverbs 3:5, 6

You can trust God. What does it mean to trust God?

Picture yourself as a little child. You are getting ready to cross a small bridge over a stream. You could be scared, as you look down into the stream.

What do you do? You look up at your father your daddy who is standing big and tall and strong beside you, and you put up your hand and take his hand. And now, you are not afraid and you can walk across the bridge safe and secure.

It is much the same way with God. There are many streams in life; and many storms; and many dangers and temptations. But God our heavenly Father stands with us when we ask Him to and we have accepted Jesus Christ as our Lord and Savior. You can put up your hand to God, not physically but spiritually, and He will take your hand and keep you safe. You can trust in God and believe in Him and in His goodness to you.


Michelle P. Marius

At 6:57am on October 11, 2011, Adeel Latif said…


Iam Adeel latif. Iam from Pakistan.Iam Christian and I help Christian Childrens.I recit Holy Bible and Explian to Them.



At 11:20am on September 25, 2011, otieno steve mito said…
im an evangelist from kenya.I do monthly crusades and having a crusade and seminar in november 22-28 (2011).we have a budget of 10000US$ to host 500 pastors for the seminar and 50000 for the crusade.If you wish to contribute you can do so through ACCOUNT NAME OTIENO STEVE MITO,ACCOUNT NUMBER 1121339603,SWIFT CODE KCBLKENXO1,KENYA COMMERCIAL BANK.Thank you so much for contributing towards supporting the gospel of God.Your reward will be bountiful.Gpd bless you for the support.(MARK16:15
At 3:13am on August 12, 2011, Bishop Khadim M. Bhutto said…

Dear Michelle Peter Marius

Greetings in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ. How are you?

I am Bishop Khadim Bhutto from Karachi Pakistan. I am coming Malaysia in December in a International Conference at Melaka. Please add me in your friends list also at Facebook/Bishop Khadim Bhutto

May God Bless you

At 12:21am on May 19, 2011, chevuri henrydavid said…

Respected madam. praise the lord for yours friendship, we praising our lord for yours friendship please pray for me  and for bible mission, waiting in prayer for yours letter, Thanking you madam,

 Rev. C.Henrydavid

At 4:18pm on May 6, 2011, Albert Finch said…



Thank you for joining the Albert Finch Ministry web-site. As you are probably aware the ministry is dedicated to the equipping of the Body of Christ for discipleship. Each day there are new postings. From time to time there will be special e-mail studies to members only. If you have questions or comments about any of these please indicate on the site or e-mail me at:


As ever in Christ Jesus,




Sunday School - July 21, 2024

1 Corinthians 1:9 - "God is faithful (reliable, trustworthy, and therefore ever true to His promise, and He can be depended on)."Seeds of affirmation, meditation, prayer, bearing fruit that remains for God's Kingdom, and other acts of obedience are…Continue

Started by Albert Finch on Sunday.

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