Albert Finch Ministry

The Lord challenges many in coming out of familiar places into new territory. It is part of the reality of coming into that "Promised Land" (God's purpose for our life) that so many are hoping and praying for as Believers in Christ.

It is up to US to take that step of faith out of our familiar comfort zones and into that which we have never encountered before. We also determine when and how we access our promises by stepping out of the familiar into the unfamiliar. That's where He is waiting for us.


That which many of us seek will only be found in Unfamiliar Places. He is encouraging us to step out in faith and be willing to get uncomfortable – for that is what it will take to break us free from the familiar spirits that are keeping us bound to our past. That's where He is. He's in the Unfamiliar Places in our own lives and experiences that will cause us to see Him like we've never seen Him before and to know Him in ways we have not known Him before.

You won't have to look for those places. God will invite you Himself and open the door. He will present you with opportunities to do something new – to try something you haven't done before. It will, most likely, be something you are even uncomfortable with. It will require new levels of faith and trust. However, your level of comfort is not the determining factor – it's your faith and your hunger to KNOW HIM that will compel you to respond.

Abraham was invited to Unfamiliar Places (Genesis 12:1). He didn't hesitate – he just went. His hunger to know His God outweighed that which was familiar to Him. He was willing to leave everything he knew in order to satisfy the longing within his spirit for something "more" (Hebrews 11:10).

At a time when many Believers are being compelled to stand up and speak out, it is requiring some of us to get uncomfortable. We have to overcome our fears of reprisal and fears of failure. There is a "performance anxiety" that cripples some in the Body of Christ due to an unseen need to please people. For still others, there are opportunities you have been given that seem "out of your league."


This is not just an exercise of faith, but a matter of spiritual hunger. If our focus is truly on KNOWING HIM and the splendor of His majesty, it is our desperate longing that can fuel our passion and ignite our steps.
Look for Him in the Unfamiliar Places of your life. Let courage rise and faith be stirred. He is passionate about revealing Himself and is eagerly waiting for us to step over the threshold of the unknown.

New levels of faith will be attained once we take that step. GRACE which has never before been accessed will become available. New expressions and revelations will be found in these unfamiliar places. Instead of waiting to feel ready, it is in taking those steps that you shall BE MADE ready and receive an upgrade and overflow of what your heart has been longing for.

As we are looking for this "new thing" that God is about to do, we must step out of the boat, jump off the cliff, and come out of the cave. It is our faith in God and our desperate desire that will cause Heaven to respond. We should not be waiting for Him, for He is waiting on us. Pray for a greater spiritual hunger and desperation to arise in your heart and fuel your journey. It's OK to feel uncomfortable. It's actually an indicator that His Spirit has already begun to draw you. Accept His invitation, follow His lead, and don't look back. The true adventure is only just beginning!

"Forget the former things; do not dwell on the past. See, I am doing a new thing! Now it springs up; do you not perceive it? I am making a way in the wilderness and streams in the wasteland." - Isaiah 43:18-19 NIV


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Sunday School - August 4, 2024

Hebrews 4:12 - "For the Word of God is living and powerful.........."For one who has faith in the Word of God, there is nothing impossible. There are no impossibilities when there is faith..........and there are no exceptions.......MY FAITH IN GOD'S…Continue

Started by Albert Finch Aug 4.

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