Albert Finch Ministry

Each one of God's children has a testimony to the Risen Christ that will bless others as it is shared. The Lord Jesus desires for us to have a worship mindset that embraces holy works.
From this place of relational security, the Holy Spirit will produce His witness to Christ through us. If we try to approach the harvest from any other perspective than His love, we are in danger of running on empty. Intimacy with God is everything, and without this, we have nothing of any worth to offer to the world.

We cannot hope to be Jesus' hands if we have never seen His face, and yet we cannot see His face unless we receive His pierced hands. In this, we find the paradox of grace. Seeing the Cross is about first believing, and in believing, we perceive and see Him more clearly. In gazing upon the loveliness of Christ, we are blessed to receive the Father. Jesus said, "Anyone who has seen Me, has seen the Father" (John 14:9b).


The most profound experiences we have, take place in the inner sanctum of our hearts, where the Lord creates moments of holy communion with us in which we are forever changed.
Jesus longs to hold each one of us in a personal face-to-face encounter. When we behold His face, we are enabled and motivated to become His hands reaching out to a hurting world.

The birthing of multitudes into their CALLING in Christ is born out of the secret place. The secret place of Christ, the Bridegroom King, is where His inner gaze captivates our hearts and makes us lovesick, causing us to overflow from His love. Face-to-face is a place where we are enabled to trust God fully and to rely completely on His love.

Time alone with Christ enables us to surrender in adoration to God's will. Seeking the heart of God is a precursor to the revelation of the living DESTINY He has prepared for us on earth and seeing His power manifest in our lives.


God is asking us to restore the altar of devotion as an inward response to His glory. The outward manifestation of such devotion will be fruit that will last for all eternity.
When our souls become saturated in God's presence we often receive a FRESH COMMISSIONING to walk and work with our Redeemer.

Song of Songs 8:10 - "...then was I in His eyes as one that found favor."
Each one of us is brought to a fresh realization of our need to be filled to overflowing with heavenly manna--the sustenance that can only be found in the rest of the Lord. The writer of Song of Songs tells us that the Bridegroom King has been captivated. God longs to remove the veil from our eyes, so that we might know Him more. In such holy moments, the Lord reminds us that He is all-powerful, all-knowing, eternally present, and overflowing in unconditional love. The Lord is captivated by His beautiful Bride, but perhaps we do not always fully comprehend how deeply we are adored by our King of Kings.

When Jesus looks at the rich, young man, "Jesus looked at him and loved him" (Mark 10:21). Jesus probably knew before He spoke that the young man couldn't do the one thing that was needed: to give his all for Christ--but not even this rejection could prevent Jesus from loving him.


When we are alone with God, He is able to both prune and nurture us and bring our minds, will, and emotions into alignment with His PLAN FOR OUR LIVES. Jesus softens the hard places in us and refreshes the dry places when we make time to worship Him. He readjusts our spiritual eyesight in the places where we are blind to His compassion, so that we are enabled to view things from His perspective and not our own.
His eyes of fire (Rev 2:18) are irresistible and draw us to Himself, compelling our consciences to bow down in humility and reverent awe.

We are called as ambassadors to carry His heart of love to the nations so that the nations may experience the love of His heart. The Holy Spirit sets our hearts in alignment with the Father's heart. We are anointed and appointed to advance that love in those to whom we WITNESS and DISCIPLE.

Matthew 5:8 - "Blessed are the pure in heart for they shall see God."

Loving Him creates a desperate longing in us for more of Him, and this earnest longing becomes a catalyst for Godly transformation in our lives. When we are in love, we will reflect His radiance.
It is the evidence of our being ravished by holy love and wasted on the wonder of being His which will cause the lost and the prodigals to discover His PURPOSE for their lives.

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Sunday School - August 4, 2024

Hebrews 4:12 - "For the Word of God is living and powerful.........."For one who has faith in the Word of God, there is nothing impossible. There are no impossibilities when there is faith..........and there are no exceptions.......MY FAITH IN GOD'S…Continue

Started by Albert Finch Aug 4.

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