Albert Finch Ministry

Philippians 3:17 - "Join with others in following my example, brothers, and take note of those who live according to the pattern we gave you."

Apostle Paul taught the Church in Philippi that they were to live "according to the pattern" they had seen modeled in himself and his team (Philippians 3:17). Pattern makers are visionary leaders who model and exemplify a lifestyle of holiness with Christ, so that others are enabled and equipped into their inheritance in Christ to follow suit. Pattern makers are MENTORS and SPIRITUAL MOTHERS and FATHERS to others. They are often pioneers who are breaking into new territory and doing things that might not have been done before.


If we are to be Kingdom builders, we must embrace the simple truth that holy and righteous lifestyles and the willingness to DISCIPLE new believers are an essential aspect of being a FRUITFUL builder in God's house. Godly character will sustain us in times of challenge, and surrender to His will birth ongoing godly transformation in us AND THE ONES WE DISCIPLE to the glory of His name.

Acceleration can only happen under the divine impetus of the Holy Spirit. When He mobilizes us to a God-given task/assignment, He releases the necessary grace, authority, power, and wisdom to us to consolidate and implement vision and follow through to completion. Holy Spirit not only in-dwells us, but rests and remains upon us to become a mighty catalyst to build according to God's will. Mobilization causes acceleration, and acceleration creates increased momentum to carry vision/building work forward.

When Believers operate in love and unity and exercise faith and hope in Christ's finished intercession, there is enormous potential for personal and community transformation. We are built up by His love, to enable others to grow in faith and in maturity, to be prepared for works of service and to attain to the fullness of Christ (see Ephesians 4:11-12)


By teaching (one on one), the Kingdom of God is not only established in grace, but also advances in the power of the Holy Spirit's revelation, wisdom, and truth. Paul taught the twelve new disciples for two years in the lecture hall of Tyrannus, and we are told that both the Jews and the Greeks throughout the province of Asia heard the word of the Lord (Acts 19:10).

For twenty-four long months, the Apostle Paul labored tirelessly to bring the word of the Lord to the believers he was DISCIPLING in preparation to minister and impact the surrounding community. He trained the young disciples by the Word of God and laid a strong foundation upon which the glory could manifest in signs, wonders, and miracles. During this 24-month period of equipping, Paul prepared a team that could co-labor with him in the season of in-gathering for the harvest that was just around the corner.

DISCIPLING OTHERS is an important part of affecting the destiny of your city or community.

May God bless you and pour out upon you a Kingdom-building anointing!


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Sunday School - August 4, 2024

Hebrews 4:12 - "For the Word of God is living and powerful.........."For one who has faith in the Word of God, there is nothing impossible. There are no impossibilities when there is faith..........and there are no exceptions.......MY FAITH IN GOD'S…Continue

Started by Albert Finch Aug 4.

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