Albert Finch Ministry

Matthew 6:10 - "Thy kingdom come, thy will be done in earth, as it is in heaven."

What world is more real to us? Is it this present world or the eternal? When we are more aware of the ultimate eternal life with God, when the temporal world no longer makes much difference, there is a freedom that comes in our spirit – because this place is not our home. We are journeying through this life knowing that our home is that which is not made by hands but by God in the Heavens.

The truth is that we can now live out of the PLACE OF ETERNITY.

ETERNAL LIFE is also a way of life. We live from this quality of life that Jesus opened the way for us to experience. Paul tells us to focus on the eternal, not the temporal. In this, we free our minds from the cares of this life.

The ETERNAL REALM is comprised of the life we are called to live in.


The eternal realm is in God. But, make it more personal: He is our Father, the Everlasting Father.

God is trying to bring His people to a place where they learn how to live from heaven towards earth. The reason is that His heart is for heaven to exist on earth. The desire to go to heaven can never cancel out His command to us to bring heaven to earth.

Whatever our meditation is, that is what we will end up talking about the most. We talk about what is most valuable to us or what we've chosen to make our meditation. In all these things we need to yield our hearts and thoughts to God, ask Him to fill us with His thoughts, meditate on His words and fix our eyes upon the Lord.


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Sunday School - August 4, 2024

Hebrews 4:12 - "For the Word of God is living and powerful.........."For one who has faith in the Word of God, there is nothing impossible. There are no impossibilities when there is faith..........and there are no exceptions.......MY FAITH IN GOD'S…Continue

Started by Albert Finch Aug 4.

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