Albert Finch Ministry

"According to my earnest expectation and my hope, that in nothing I shall be ashamed, but that with all boldness, as always, so now also Christ shall be magnified in my body, whether it be by life, or by death. " - Philippians 1:20

The enemy sometimes attempts to MAGNIFY fear over health issues through his lies. The enemy is attempting to MAGNIFY FEAR with his lies and false decrees to keep Believers bound. But the truth is, there is a key to break these health issues and cycles in their lives.


The definition of "magnify" is:
1. Make (something) appear larger than it is, especially with a lens or microscope.

2. Praise highly; glorify. SYNONYMNS: to enhance, boost, expand, intensify.

"And Mary said, My soul doth magnify the Lord," - Luke 1:46

But right now, MAGNIFY NOT the symptoms. Magnify NOT the health issues with your focus. MAGNIFY THE LORD!

Praise Him over these symptoms.
Praise Him over the health issues.
Praise Him over the pain.
Praise Him over the fear.

Be FEROCIOUS in your FOCUS on FAITH and PRAISE! The enemy is looking for the agreement with the symptoms so he can magnify FEAR, but as you MAGNIFY HIM there shall be MAJOR, sudden alignments and miracles in HEALTH and BODIES!
"Oh, magnify the Lord with me, and let us exalt His name together!" - Psalm 34:3


Intentionally LOOK AWAY from the health issues, from the random/weird symptoms, and MAGNIFY the Lord instead. Magnify the name of JESUS for who He is and His Word, and His ability to heal their bodies. See in your mind's eye Jesus coming and placing His hands on your head and the afflicted spot. Decree the word "ALIGNMENT" and the power in JESUS' name and EXPECT manifestation.


Believers who battle these random/weird symptoms are the ones where the enemy has been whispering lies of: "This is what's wrong with you..."
Many fear for their lives and have a strong sense of foreboding, thinking things like, "Is this going to come upon me?" Don't listen to his lies -- many have been assaulted by this spirit of fear manifesting in their physical bodies for years and for some, their whole life.


The enemy is coming against you, lying to you about what is to come. You've been in the constant cycle of fear over your bodies and health, and the enemy is lying to you to trap you again in another foreboding cycle of SMOKESCREEN SYMPTOMS.

Repent of aligning with fear and trust Him and KNOW that what is before you is strength, restoration of body and increase. DISAGREE with his lies and MAGNIFY HIM!
Expect His Spirit to break fear and release Kingdom keys for divine health. Physical restoration is upon you.

Decree "NO MORE!" and watch as the tormenting fear regarding health flee.
"Let all those that seek thee rejoice and be glad in thee: let such as love thy salvation say continually, The LORD be magnified." - Psalm 40:16


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Sunday School - August 4, 2024

Hebrews 4:12 - "For the Word of God is living and powerful.........."For one who has faith in the Word of God, there is nothing impossible. There are no impossibilities when there is faith..........and there are no exceptions.......MY FAITH IN GOD'S…Continue

Started by Albert Finch Aug 4.

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