Albert Finch Ministry

Philippians 3:14 - "I press toward the mark for the prize of the high calling of God in Christ Jesus."


A season of trials is a SEASON of promotion. You will triumph if you don't quit, because God only allows you to face what you are prepared to face with Him. That measuring line is almost always higher than you expect it to be. But, if you're in a season of trials, God is offering you a promotion. He's allowing you to have the occasion to step into a new level of the boldness and dominion of Christ. Most likely, He's giving you exactly what you've asked for; you just didn't realize what the journey was going to be.




Why is it necessary to move from glory to glory?  The reason is because in every SEASON of glory, we experience a new order that God brings to our lives as we mirror His image to a greater extent.


Beware lest your sense of unworthiness becomes a smoke screen for unbelief!  Even now, the Holy Spirit is descending, hovering, and brooding over you. Shake yourself from the depression in which circumstances have kept you! You are standing at the threshold of God's glory!


"Sometimes you've just gotta stand." Maybe it's, "Sometimes you've just gotta PRESS THROUGH."  Maybe it's, "Sometimes you've just gotta let go." The bottom line is that sometimes you've just got to trust that God knows exactly what you need to advance His purpose for your life. You must realize that God will capitalize on every trial and triumph to shape you and transform you into to the image of Christ so that you can walk in the victory of Christ.


One of the most crucial areas in which believers fall short in is PRESSING into God.  Many pray briefly about decisions, then merely do what seems like common sense, not acquiring the mind of the Lord at all. But God must be sought.




We can control the PASSION and INTENSITY with which we live our lives. To get the fruitful life that God has purposed for us, we must go out on a limb away from the ordinary and complacent.


Behold, it's time to stop hiding behind walls of fear (What if such and such happens?);


it's time to stop hiding behind walls of doubt (It'll never happen);


it's time to stop hiding behind walls of disappointment (It didn't happen).


Winter has passed. Rise up and come away!




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Sunday School - August 4, 2024

Hebrews 4:12 - "For the Word of God is living and powerful.........."For one who has faith in the Word of God, there is nothing impossible. There are no impossibilities when there is faith..........and there are no exceptions.......MY FAITH IN GOD'S…Continue

Started by Albert Finch Aug 4.

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