Albert Finch Ministry

We fail to reach into God enough. As Christians, we need to spend more time listening to God than anything else. When we do hear the Lord, creative power and life flow through His words.

Determine in your heart that you want to reach the highest place in God -- learning how to live each day in pure, loving oneness with Him. And once you have set your heart on this upward path, you will have to choose it every day.


The Holy Spirit does not draw us so we can hang up a "Do Not Disturb" sign and sit in our little comfort zone singing love songs to Jesus the rest of our lives. As fellow heirs with Christ, we are drawn into intimacy, then empowered in ministry to bring others into their DESTINY in Christ Jesus.

Is your spirit longing for a new awakening to the wonderful, satisfying love of God? Do you want to know Him intimately?

"Eternal life is not a length of life, but rather a quality of life. Eternal life is intimacy with the Father & Jesus" - John 17:3


God is asking us to RESTORE the altar of devotion as an inward response to His glory. The outward manifestation of such devotion will be fruit that will last for all eternity.
The most profound experiences we have, take place in the inner sanctum of our hearts, where the Lord creates moments of holy intimacy with us in which we are forever changed.

Jesus longs to hold each one of us in a personal face-to-face encounter. When we behold His face, we are enabled and motivated to become His hands reaching out to a hurting world. The birthing of multitudes is born out of the secret place. The secret place of Christ, the Bridegroom King, is where His inner gaze captivates our hearts and makes us lovesick, causing us to overflow from His love. Face-to-face is a place where we are enabled to trust God fully and to rely completely on His love.

Time alone with Christ enables us to surrender in adoration to God's will. Seeking the heart of God is a precursor to the revelation of the living DESTINY He has prepared for us on earth and seeing His power manifest in our lives.


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Sunday School - August 4, 2024

Hebrews 4:12 - "For the Word of God is living and powerful.........."For one who has faith in the Word of God, there is nothing impossible. There are no impossibilities when there is faith..........and there are no exceptions.......MY FAITH IN GOD'S…Continue

Started by Albert Finch Aug 4.

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