Some say, 'The River is flowing. Just step in.' But we need to say, 'Just step in, and the river will flow.'
Some are passively waiting to see what God will do, while He is waiting for us to exercise faith to see Him move with power. Mark said it well:
"And they went out and preached everywhere, while the Lord kept WORKING WITH THEM and confirming the message by the attesting signs and miracles that closely accompanied it" (Mark 16:20).
God worked with them instead of them working with God. THEY had a responsibility to step in FIRST.
Jesus had just risen from the dead, and had been seen by the women. However, not all understood or believed. Two disciples were walking towards Emmaus talking about these confusing events when Jesus joined them (Luke 24:13-32). They did not recognize Him, but listened intently as He explained from the prophets of old all that He had accomplished for them. When they reached their destination, Jesus acted as if He would go on.
What do we do when it appears that the refreshing of the Spirit that we have experienced is moving on?
These two disciples PRESSED Him to stay with them. They were not passive about this. There is a time in which we must press Him to continue to move with power through our hunger, prayers, faith and actions. We must step in!
Jacob wrestled with God for the blessing even after the Man told him to release Him. He received a name change and a character change. Even more than that, Jacob received a face-to-face encounter with God!
Are you hungry for that? One touch from God can change things within you that will not change through years of counseling!
One day, a storm arose while the disciples were in a boat. Jesus walked on the water towards them, but acted as if He were going to walk right by them! Their cries attracted Him, and He stepped in and stilled the storm. Do you need a breakthrough from the Lord? Don't give up. Remember that His delays are not denials.
Jesus often told stories in parables.
Why did He do this?
He did this in order to divide the crowd. Only those who were hungry and committed enough to ask Jesus the meaning would receive the deeper meaning. Those who were half-hearted and gave little thought to what Jesus said would not. We must have a deep-seated commitment and hunger for God and His work among us to receive all that He has for us.
Jesus told us that the Kingdom is like a treasure hidden in a field (Matthew 13:44). It was so valuable that a man sold all he had to get that treasure. When God's presence and work among us is so valuable that we would lay down other things for it, we will have it.
The men on the road to Emmaus so valued this Man's presence and words to them, that they convinced Him to stay with them. What happened next was amazing!
Luke 24:30 tells us: "But as soon as He had sat down with them, and had taken the bread and had blessed and broken it and was handing it to them, their eyes were opened and they recognized Him."
Jesus did something that would have been culturally unacceptable at the time. HE took the bread, blessed and broke it. It was the father or master's responsibility to do that, not the visitors. THAT was when their eyes were opened. Jesus does not want to be a visitor in our life. He wants to be in charge. This is not passivity on our part!
We allow Him to move and to be Lord as we pursue His PURPOSE for our life through our hunger and faith. We must give Him abundant opportunities to manifest supernaturally in our midst through stepping out and laying hands on people. When we allow God to take the place of Lord over our lives, and not our traditions and church programs, He will reveal Himself in such a way that eyes are opened! People will know Him!
These disciples knew the facts of Jesus' death and resurrection from what Jesus had taught them, but they did not know Him!
As they pressed Him to stay and allowed Him to take the place of Lord, they received that "MORE!" THEY KNEW HIM! GLORY!
Let's not allow this time of refreshing to pass without pressing Him for MORE!
Do you want to know Him in a deeper way?
Do you want to be changed from the inside out?
Do you want to see people saved, healed, and set free?
Step in!
Hebrews 4:12 - "For the Word of God is living and powerful.........."For one who has faith in the Word of God, there is nothing impossible. There are no impossibilities when there is faith..........and there are no exceptions.......MY FAITH IN GOD'S…Continue
Started by Albert Finch Aug 4.
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