Albert Finch Ministry

It is time for us to align ourselves with God's government and shift into our new season. However, to totally shift, we are must press beyond our circumstances and religious belief systems. We are being challenged to press beyond the pressures of our own abilities to make things happen, and press only to look to Him.

In our new season, we will not be able to make any "strange fires" as Nadab and Abihu (Numbers 26:61). They tried to start a counterfeit fire, not depending on the fire which only the Lord could provide. They sought an alternate route for the blessing by ignoring the divine instructions from God to depend upon His fire. Only by clinging to Him and His direction, do we become empowered to make a divine shift and remain in proper alignment.

Many of us thought it difficult to touch Heaven, as if we had to do everything right and perfect. However, touching Heaven is very simple--just worship Him, cling to Him, and never let go! If we do this, He promises to burn away everything displeasing to Him, and rekindle a fresh desire to serve Him.


As you cross over your Jordan, remain attached to Him. Remove all attachments of fear and doubt by attaching yourself to Him. This will empower you to keep touching Heaven for your breakthroughs, so that , you can fully pass through the new gates He has for you.

When we DETERMINE to align ourselves with God's Kingdom plans for our lives, we become determined to be in agreement with His Word. Also, we become aligned with His desires to establish His Kingdom upon the earth. First we must tune-in to the frequency which is aligned with His Kingdom purposes.

If we stop short of the proper frequency, all we hear is static. We must search for God's program, tuning into His frequency, and listen carefully for His instructions.The way to totally align with His Kingdom message is to not be conformed to this worldly kingdom, and to renew our mind to His truth. "And be not conformed to this world: but be ye transformed by the renewing of your mind, that ye may prove what is that good, and acceptable, and perfect, will of God." (Romans 12:2)

This will empower us to shift and properly adjust so that we move with divine direction and purpose.

Our belief systems concerning God have become like giant fortresses. We have NOT believed that it is so easy to touch Him. And, our lack of faith and trust in His ability to lead us into the Promised Land has become a massive wall which hinders hope of deliverance and breakthrough.


The word "alignment" also refers to a line being drawn. A plumb line is a type of measurement to determine if an object is properly aligned. If not aligned properly, it is referred to as something being "off plumb." Do we don't want to be "out of plumb" with God's PURPOSE FOR OUR LIVES?

We embrace the mind-set that -- we are not satisfied with the measure that we have. We want more of Him, and We want to do more for Him than ever before.
He wants to pour more anointing upon each of us. He measures our attitudes and belief systems to determine if our levels of faith and trust are ready to receive His new levels of power and anointing.


As you grow closer to Him, your love for His presence will cast out all fear.

Remember, Isaiah said that the government is upon "His shoulders" and not ours! We don't have to carry the weight of this change. He is well able to carry us through this season of transition. This is part of trusting God and having faith that He will perfect everything which concerns us. He desires to prove Himself as the ultimate "supporter." Our love for the Lord will cast out all restraints of fear and unbelief.

"There is no fear in love; but perfect love casteth out fear: because fear hath torment. He that feareth is not made perfect in love." (1 John 4:18)

We allow Him to restructure and realign our life. As we position ourselves properly in this season and prepare our heart to shift with courage and steadfastness, He empowers us and "carrys us" into the NEW!

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Sunday School - August 4, 2024

Hebrews 4:12 - "For the Word of God is living and powerful.........."For one who has faith in the Word of God, there is nothing impossible. There are no impossibilities when there is faith..........and there are no exceptions.......MY FAITH IN GOD'S…Continue

Started by Albert Finch Aug 4.

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