The Lord is looking for the ones who will receive a word from Him, and hang on to it no matter what comes -- not what the critics say and ignore the situations that are trying to destroy your purpose. V – 156 6-2-22
I am not at rest in Him if I am looking about to see how He is dealing with others – nor am I at His service to bring the grace of compassion to them if I have taken a higher seat. V – 157 6-2-22
The territory of the uncrucified thought-life is the beachhead of satanic assault in my life. To defeat the devil, I must be renewed in the spirit of my mind! V – 158 6-3-22
If you want a real move of God in your life, you must have a glory appetite for it. If you hunger and thirst after it, God will come down in the form of a pillar of fire or a cloud by day. V – 159 6-3-22
Whenever you see the devil causing chaos, go ahead and give God praise – get ready for breakthrough. Nothing will take you off-guard unless you are not seeking the Lord and not praying. V – 161 6-3-22
When I want God above all, I am willing – as Jesus was willing – to follow the Holy Spirit, even in the most dry and dark and painful times. ZZ – 669 6-3-22
As we encourage and provoke others to love and to good works and as we reach out to assist them with words of strength -- they are becoming bolder, stronger, and more focused in the Lord. V – 163 6-4-22
I am a lamp, not hidden anymore – the effectual Word in me a beacon to all who are in the world. ZZ – 172 6-4-22
Through Jesus Christ we have been given authority over the enemy – the word AUTHORITY means LEGAL OR RIGHTFUL POWER, A RIGHT TO COMMAND OR ACT. V – 164 6-4-22
Today I seek to deal with the loose ends that I’ve allowed to remain in my mind and emotions – by submitting every area of my mind and emotions to the Word of God. V – 165 6-4-22
Do you want to cultivate your spiritual mind? Then immerse yourself in God’s Word -- pray for revelation and open your spiritual eyes to behold things from heavenly realms. V – 166 6-5-22
Hold onto faith as small as a mustard seed, because that alone is enough to see mountains move and giants fall. We choose to have faith come into our heart by "hearing and hearing" the Word of God. V – 167 6-5-22
It is better to develop Godly virtues by allowing Jesus to live His life through me, than to spend my day praying against the devil. Victory begins with the name of Jesus on my Lips. V – 169 6-5-22
God’s Higher Ground is the only place where 'Super-grow' soil exists for your spirit to grow (Mark 4: 20). It is the place where you are determined to fulfill the PURPOSE God placed you here for. V – 170 6-5-22
I stir up my faith and experience more deeply the presence of the Lord in my life through the encouragement and discipling of other believers. V – 171 6-6-22
The world is like a rushing river, pulling at me, trying to get me to flow with the herd. I make the decision today to paddle upstream against the current by speaking God’s Word into my life. V – 172 6-6-22
True soldiers of Christ resolve to die every day to this world so that they live for the sake of the Gospel -- every day is a day for King Jesus to be glorified -- it is called courage. V – 173 6-6-22
Connect with God in the cloud of His glory. Speak as one sent by Him to shift things on earth so they come under the transforming influence of Heaven. ZZ – 269 6-6-22
In the midst of whatever pain you may be facing, large or small, choose to find it in yourself to cry out, "I trust You, Lord!" Trust unleashes the power of God to work on your behalf. V – 176 6-7-22
Some have chosen which enemies to pray for and have decided which are too far gone to be saved. Those who are filled with His love know that the real enemy is satan, therefore, no one is too far gone. V – 177 1-8-21
Let's raise our faith level to blessings that we don't have room to receive. What are you believing for that will take a miracle to accomplish? See yourself receiving it! V – 178 6-7-22
The Christ-life must not only be actualized by the new birth but by living in God's purpose for your life -- then and only then are you positioned to die to self in a meaningful way. V – 182 6-7-22
We are to equip the saints into their Christ identity, to reshape the broken areas in the body of Christ -- about the thousands of people God has called you to influence and change the way they think. V – 181 6-7-22
Without being crucified -- thus shedding all the trappings of the natural man -- the Holy Spirit cannot work through us to gain many people. Here then, is the spiritual principle; die, and then bear much fruit. V – 183 6-7-22
God does not and will not ever do anything in us; instead, He will put us in Christ. If we are in Christ, all that is Christ's is ours. The victorious life that I seek in Christ is actually something I already possess. V – 184 6-8-22
Where does Jesus promise that every believer in Him will find their purpose in Christ? -- "He that believeth in me, out of him shall flow rivers of living water" - John 7:38 V – 185 6-8-22
As we trim our lamps and go outside the realm of familiarity and meet Him we encounter the Bridegroom -- our Magnificent Obsession. He is eternal life! First Timothy 6:12 says, "Lay hold on eternal life." This means to take hold of, to grasp, to…Continue
Started by Albert Finch Aug 11, 2015.
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